Saturday, October 23, 2010

Meet Jasper

Meet the newest addition to my family! Jasper is a (n approximately 2 month old) hamster that I adopted from the Kansas Humane Society. I went to the Splurge! party tonight; their goal is to adopt out 200 animals this weekend. Little ole Jasper counts! I knew I wanted another hamster even though the loss of little Tucker was very sad. I figured I would never buy a dog from anywhere other than a Shelter so why not adopt my hamster from a Shelter as well? He's currently getting used to his new home and is at this moment sleeping in a corner of his cage with no nest and not in his little shelter. I figure by tomorrow night he'll figure out he can actually make a nest. The Kansas Humane Society is in a contest to win a $100,000 grant. Go here to vote for us: You have to enter your email address, but so far as I can tell you only have to do that to verify you're a real person. The only emails I've gotten is the one verifying your address and to remind you to vote. So, help the Kansas Humane Society become a no-kill shelter and vote so they can win the money. They're currently in second place!

Update: I just voted again (you can vote once a day) and KS is in first place now!!!


Jodi said...

Aww. . .how precious. Can't wait to meet him sometime! I voted and it looks like KS is still in the lead!

Linda said...

I voted too.