Thursday, November 11, 2010

Still Alive

Yes, I'm still alive. I just haven't had access to internet lately (except at work and I obviously can't blog at work). Why haven't I had access to internet you ask? Because, I've been staying with Andrew. And Andrew doesn't have internet his new apartment! Yep. He finally did it. It's a really nice one-bedroom apartment on the top floor with vaulted ceilings and a pretty spacious balcony. It's really cozy. He's getting cable and internet this weekend, so my exile from Facebook and the blogging world will end soon. I'm at home today since I missed Bailey so much. Once Andrew gets used to his apartment I won't be staying there all the time though. I haven't taken any pictures of it yet so I'll do that soon and post a few.

I don't have much of an update on the weight loss front. I've been slacking quite a bit lately so I wouldn't be surprised if I've gained a couple of pounds back, but I'm too chicken to check. It just seems like I've been hungrier lately...and lazier. Hopefully I will get back on track again soon.

Speaking of's dinnertime!

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