Thursday, September 20, 2012

I'm not the Terminator, but I am a Supinator!

Google is a wonderful tool for self-diagnosis don't you think? I've diagnosed myself with tuberculosis, spinal meningitis, frost bite, macular degeneration and Asian Flu before.

Thankfully I was completely wrong on all those diagnoses, but I really think I'm right on this one. I oversupinate. For you non-runners out there, it means I land on the outside edge of my foot and it doesn't roll inward like it's supposed to naturally. This means I have less cushioning when my foot strikes since pronating (foot rolling inward slightly) allows your feet to absorb some of the shock of slamming three times your body weight onto the ground with every step.

My right foot hurt after my 15K a couple of weeks ago. I iced it, rested it for six days and that has seemed to abate the symptoms of what I was about to diagnose as plantar fasciitis--something I really don't want it to be. Now after my runs I ice it and it seems to work. From what I've learned at the University of Google my slight bow-leggedness contributes to my oversupination and so I'm not sure what I can do mechanically to fix it. Hopefully being conscious about trying to push off more from my big toes and icing any soreness after a run will prevent further pain. This girl has a half-marathon to run!

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