Thursday, September 2, 2010

Spreading the Spark

I may have mentioned once or twice that I'm dieting and exercising. Well, dieting isn't exactly the right word since I still eat chocolate cake and pizza when I want to. Really what I'm doing is making a lifestyle change.

I love food, and I love eating. For about the past two years, it seems likes eating was the only thing I looked forward to in my day. I'd eat breakfast and then count down the hours until lunch when I could go to Taco Bell or McDonald's or somewhere else equally greasy. Then when I got home from work I'd be so happy that it was time to eat again! If I was staying at Andrew's dinner would be pizza delivery, Mexican take-out, Buffalo Wild Wings with a beer (or two) or some other easy-to-fix, easier-to-eat meal. At home I might eat healthier, but portion control was definitely not in my vocabulary. I've always loved to eat, but it was getting out-of-hand, and let's just say, the skinny girl who could eat like a pig and not gain an ounce was long gone. I needed to do something and quick.

But add depression issues and increasing laziness and no change was in sight. Until, my friend Jodi asked for suggestions on Facebook for recipes for diabetics. Someone left a comment mentioning So, curious, I checked it out. At first glance the website seemed complicated and overwhelming, maybe even one of those infomercial-type websites that you eventually have to start paying to use. But, I was wrong. I took a chance and started using the site, reading articles on nutrition and fitness, tracking my calories and exercise, earning "Spark Points" like crazy.

Since I've started using the site, I've lost over 13 pounds, exercised 42 out of the last 46 days, started drinking more water, eating more vegetables and fruit and increased my energy by about a billion percent. I've still got a ways to go, and I still need to work on exercising more intensely, but I'm finally starting to feel good about myself again after a long, long time. I know eventually I will eat fast food again and there will be days when I eat too much, but I'm okay with that as long as it's just occasionally instead of every day like it used to be.

And, although, I know I sound like an infomercial for SparkPeople, I'm just thankful something worked and I'm getting back to my old self again.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I'm so proud of you and you look fantastic! I really need your help, though. You'd think since you found the website through my facebook page. . .I would be using it. But, it does seem complicated to me and I don't know where to begin. So, please give me (and everyone else) advice on how to motivate yourself to exercise and eat more fruits and veggies. You're my hero! :)