Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year, Same Me

Yeah so it's a new year. 2011 and all. But, apparently I'm still the same me. Darn. Remember when I was exercising and eating healthy and blogging and being a responsible adult? Hmm...damn. It was fun while it lasted I guess. For the past three months or so I've really been slacking again. I'm not sure why. I guess my depression just starts getting the best of me. I'll go into more details later (well, I have intentions to, but you know how that goes), but I just wanted to post to let all my readers (all 0.01 of you) know that I'm still here, just in one of those "phases." I do have some good news though that I'll talk more about later as well: Andrew and I joined Snap Fitness 24-7, a 24-hour gym. It's just one of those one-room gyms, but it has really nice equipment. Plus, it's literally a five minute walk from Andrew's apartment. We've already gone 5-6 times and we just joined last week. I really think this is a great jump-start for us, and I hope it gets me out of my funk. I'll blog more later! Yay! I finally did a blog post again! Woo-hoo! I rock! I'm awesome! I rule! (hey a little positive self-talk never hurt anyone)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kerry's Brilliant Idea

So yesterday I had a brilliant idea; a way to get more cardio exercise into my day without taking up so much time after work. I absolutely abhor ("abhor" implies much more than "hate" I think) getting up early. I get up at 7:00 a.m. for work (okay, more like 7:06 if you must know), but I have these moments of thinking, "I'll just get up a little bit earlier and workout before I get ready for work." I'll even set my alarm early, wear my workout clothes to bed and all. Then the alarm goes off and I want to I hit snooze...or re-set it for the regular time. Well, the other morning I woke up at about 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep right away. I didn't even feel all that tired. I thought to myself, "Hey! I could totally get up right now and do one of SparkPeople's 10-minute cardio workouts and then go back to bed for a couple of hours!" And then I promptly fell back asleep. Well, I thought about that all day and decided I was going to try it! I could get up at 4:30 or 5:00, workout for ten minutes or so and then go back to bed. Then I'd only have 20-30 minutes of cardio left to do after work. It was a brilliant idea (hence the title of this post)! I know what you're thinking, "Oh, but Kerry; it's not a good idea to workout and then try to sleep. Exercising in the evening can make falling asleep difficult." But, trust me. Falling asleep has never been much of a problem for me so I wasn't worried about being able to fall back asleep at 5:00 a.m. So last night I set my alarm for 4:41 a.m. I wore my sports bra and workout pants to bed, I set my laptop up in the workout room so I could access it quickly and went to bed. Fast forward to 4:33 a.m. I woke up before my alarm went off. Checked the clock. Chuckled to myself. Re-set my alarm for 7:00 a.m. Turned over and went back to sleep.

So, that was my brilliant idea. Smart right?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Share five things on your bucket list

Today's Daily Challenge is to share five things you want to do before you croak. I'm fairly certain I've done a post like this in the past, but oh well. Some of these things I've already done, but that makes it an easier bucket list to finish!

1. Go to Europe: I've been there four times, but I haven't been since 2003, so I'm really aching to go back. 2012 is the golden year. It's London or BUST!

2. Go skydiving: I went skydiving in August 2008 and it was awesome. I want to go again, but go higher up next time so the free-fall lasts longer. That was definitely the best part.

3. Learn a martial art: I don't know which one, but I want to learn how to be able to kick someone's ass with my pinky finger. Oh and learn how to be zen and all that.

4. Drive a car really fast: I'm not sure how I'm going to accomplish this one since I'm too chicken to speed too much. I doubt I've driven over 90 mph and that was probably just for a few seconds. I'm either going to have to drive on the Autobahn or drive a car on a racetrack. Either way I've got the need for speed!

5. Get married and have six kids: Ha! Just kidding. Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.