Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Any Advice?

If anybody has any grand advice on how to deal with the mother of your significant other I would sure appreciate hearing it. I'm really, really, really, really trying hard not to take some stuff she's doing personally, and I'm really, really, really, really trying hard not to put Boyfriend in the middle, but it seems it may eventually become inevitable. Is that ever okay? And if there are situations that warrant it, does it ever turn out well? Ugh. It's making me angst-ridden and nauseous.


Anonymous said...

I finally lost to my first mother-in-law

Jodi said...

My parents couldn't wait for Donnie and me to find our significant others. Why would they want us hanging around anyway? Isn't it sort of a rite of passage to leave your mom and cling to the one you love? It's the natural way of things and anything other than that is. . .well, just not natural.

Anonymous said...

He needs to grow a pair and stand up to her!

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

I think we all go through it at some point.
All I can say is good luck!