Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just 'cuz

A picture of the coolest Grandpa on the planet. Just because I wanted to. He turned 81 in August.

A picture of my dork being a dork. Just because I wanted to. I'm 99.998% sure he's playing a video game in this picture.

A picture of the first time I met Olivia. Just because I wanted to. She was so small! Now she's getting to be such a big girl!

Here's a random picture of Bailey-girl. Just because I wanted to. She's a little mad at me for not taking her on a walk for the past two days.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Meet the Stepkids

Jasmine's my favorite kitty

Doesn't she look warm and cozy?

Anna: the Scared-y Cat

Anna in her natural state

I've always been a dog person; I'd have a hundred if I thought I could get away with it or afford it. I love all animals really, but I've always been allergic to cats so I've never really spent too much time around them. Granted, nothing's cuter than a kitten (except a puppy), but allergies and having a dog who chases and kills small animals for sport doesn't exactly allow for kitty companions. So Andrew's cats are kind of like my step-pets. Anna is the young cat with a short-term memory problem. Every day (or every five minutes, whichever the case may be) you have to remind her that you won't hurt her and that she can let you pet her without hissing and throwing a big fit. She likes her butt scratched while she eats and can hide better than anyone I know. Jasmine (aka Jazzy, Jazzy Jazzerton) is the old girl with diabetes and an independent air. She loves to be cuddled though as long as you don't tell anyone. She loves to drink water out of the bathroom sink and lying in the sun in front of the door.

Odd thing, those cat allergies. Turns out if you put your face in the fur of a cat long enough, your allergies go away!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day or Anti-Valentine's Day (whatever the case may be). I know all about Anti-Valentine's Day as I'm actually more familiar with that version of the day. This year is different though! I have a boyfriend that drives me crazy is awesome and loves me very much. He may act like an 8 year old boy most of the time sometimes, but God help me I love him too.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

We're too sexy

We thought we'd take some pictures to get us motivated to start dieting and working out. Our 30s have really started to take their toll on the ole waistline. Ugh. Can hardly wait until 40.

My birthday was fairly uneventful (just like I like it). Andrew and I went to dinner with my parents. And that's about it! I am making Andrew take me to the zoo sometime soon though. He promised!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lunch, a movie and my favorite baby

Jodi and I went to lunch and a movie today for our birthdays. We both turn...29 this month. Jodi just did on the 1st. I will on the 7th. We saw Defiance, a film based on the true story of the Bielski brothers who, during WWII, led a resistance against the Germans by surviving in the forests of Belarussia. At war's end 1200 Jews were saved. I'm a huge history nut and actually contemplated becoming a Holocaust historian so I really enjoy learning new stories about Jewish resistance. 1200 people may not seem like a lot but considering 6 million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, their story of survival and triumph is truly amazing.

A big shout out of thanks to Ryan for taking the afternoon off work so Jodi and I could go out. What an awesome guy! Olivia was adorable as usual. The pictures are a bit blurry because she was always on the move! She woke up from her nap shortly after I got there and it was so cool to see her standing in her crib waiting for us. What a big girl! Oh and just in case you forgot; I'm raising money for the March for Babies. Over there in my sidebar is a link. Help! Jodi's kicking my butt!

A good day, a good lunch and a good movie. Now I'm thinking a hot shower and a good book. Not at the same time of course.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Yard of the Month?

Well I hope the owners put all those car parts out after they won "Yard of the Month". Gotta love Park City.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Jodi!

Jodi and I have been friends since we were five years old. We had the same kindergarten class. Ms. Bartel was our teacher. We rode the same bus together and lived around the block from each other. We spent many nights at each others' houses, rode our bikes around the neighborhood, attended birthday parties and generally had a good time being friends. We lost touch in high school, hung out a bit more in college and then lost touch again, although I think we both thought of each other often. Since Olivia and Logan's birth we have become good friends again, and for that I'm so thankful.

Jodi, Happy 31st 29th Birthday! (We decided after 30 that we're going backwards) I'm so glad to be your friend. I hope you enjoy your day!

Jodi and Me (in the middle) at my 5th Birthday

Kindergarten Class (Jodi in blue standing, Me kneeling below her)