Monday, November 3, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Update: MckMama did host the Not Me! Monday link-thingymajig. So if you want to check out other blogs' Not Me!s then head on over.

Well, MckMama is a little bit "otherwise engaged" right now, what with just getting home from the hospital after giving birth to the much-awaited and already famous Stellan, but I thought I would go ahead and do a Not Me! Monday post anyway. Gives me an excuse to quit work early.

So this past week:

I did not play video games for 8 hours straight on Saturday. Geez, if I did that you might think I'd need an intervention or something. Plus, I certainly did not get sad when my Fable II character had to leave her dog to go on a quest. I mean, that would be ludicrous. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry: I wouldn't have either until I started dating Boyfriend.

I did not enjoy spending so much time with Olivia and Jodi this week. And I certainly don't miss that baby. Nope. Not one bit.

I most definitely did not catch up on all my work I'd been putting off for the past two weeks. And if I had, it would, without a doubt, have nothing to do with the fact that my anti-depressants probably kicked in after not taking them for a couple of weeks (not that I would do that).

I did not feel the least bit guilty about not handing out Halloween candy this year. I was at Boyfriend's, and he's afraid of children. At least my parents still gave out candy. Right guys???

I'm sure there's a whole bunch of other things I didn't do, but it's almost 5:00!! Time to go home (not that I would blog on company time).


Kim said...

I certainly have NOT been laughing at all of you Not Me! Mondays.

Jodi said...

And I most certainly did NOT buy Ryan a new monitor for Christmas, hide it at my parents' house only to leave the online receipt face up on the printer for Ryan to see. That would be stupid.