Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Things My Boyfriend Says

As I'm looking at Jodi's blog:
A:"You sure like that baby a lot...you can't have one."

Via text message:
A: "I think you might end up being the best thing that ever happened to me."

After looking at green hot sauce and commenting about how it looked like phlegm:
A: "If I ever cough up something that looks like that get out the shovel."

Prior to dating:
A: "How do you spell your last name?"
Me: "Why?"
A: "I'm putting together my list of the people I'll spare when I become ruler of the universe."

On McCain losing the election:
A: "I hope he's crying into his bowl of prunes."

1 comment:

Stacie said...

Sounds like the two of you have very interesting conversations! :)