Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm Still Not Working (and other musings)

It's raining posts today on Just Bailey and Me. Get out your umbrellas. Maybe I'll do some more to fill my quota for the week month year. Little Miss Sunshine State did this on her blog today so I shamelessly stole it. She called it "Meme Monday: A to Z" but since I don't know what "Meme" means (Oh. I just "googled" it: I'm calling it: Kerry's silliness from A to Z:

Accent: British. Okay, not really, but I wish. Although, if Madonna can do it, why can’t I?

Breakfast: I didn’t eat breakfast this morning. I’m fat. Spare me the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” speech. One missed breakfast won’t kill me. Trust me.

Chore: I don’t believe in them.

Dog or Cat: Dog. Her name is Bailey. And she’s my fave.

Essential Electronic: Computer. How else would I check blogs type my reports for work?

Favorite Cologne: Not sure really. Andrew wears Axe body spray and it’s lovely.

Gold or Silver: Which one is worth more in today’s economy??? Silver for jewelry, though.

Handbag: I just bought a new Fossil one! When did I switch from being a girl who loathed carrying even a wallet (and frequently left it everywhere she went) to a girl who enjoys spending too much money on a name brand handbag? And, when did I start calling it a handbag instead of a purse?!?!

Insomnia: Never had a problem with it (knock on wood) except when tweaking my meds. I got off of Zoloft (Or was it Abilify?) so fast it made my doc’s head spin. Nothing messes with MY sleep!

Job Title: Queen. Well, in a past life at least. Or maybe that was a dream I had once. Okay, so really I’m a CSO—court services officer. I’m pretty important.

Kids: None, unless you count my dog and my boyfriend.

Living Arrangement: With my parents. Yes, I’m 30 and live with my parents again. Don’t knock it until you try it!

Most Admirable Trait: My ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound.

Naughtiest Childhood Habit: Probably having the messiest room on the face of the planet. I swear I always knew where everything was though!!

Overnight Hospital Stay: Two weeks when I was three—Roto virus my mom thinks, although the doctors never knew for sure. I still remember bits and pieces, although I don’t remember being deathly ill, thank goodness.

Phobia: Really, really, really deep water. AUGH!!!!

Quote: “A person’s a person, no matter how small.” Dr. Seuss

Reason To Smile: Oh there are plenty. The world is just peachy.

Siblings: One older brother: Josh (AKA the funniest brother on the planet, AKA Slosh—you’ll have to ask his friends about that one)

Time To Wake Up: Too damn early

Unusual Talent: Waiting until the last possible moment to do something and then pulling success out of my ass. Ta da!!!!

Vegetable I refuse to eat: All of them. Okay, okay, not really. I can’t stand onions. I’d rather eat dirt.

Worst Habit: Waiting until the last possible moment to do something and then pulling success out of my ass.

X-rays: Broken fingers, raspy lungs and teeth

Yummy Stuff: Peanut butter, cheese, onions (just checking to see if you were paying attention), chocolate, Panera, Logan’s Steakhouse, Taco Tico

Zoo Animal I Like The Most: Giraffe—there’s just something about them. Almost magical (don’t you think Olivia?).

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