Monday, October 27, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Wow. It's already Monday again? How does that happen? And, wait a minute. Where did my weekend go??? Stupid Monday.

Okay, so here goes my second week of confessions of things that I would never do. These are just things I didn't do, but maybe could have in theory. Head on over to MckMama's blog to see all the other blogs' Not Me! lists.

I did not eat an entire bag of cinnamon bears yesterday nor did I eat a double brownie fudge sundae from Braum's with peanut butter sauce AND hot fudge sauce. I have way more self control than that.

I also did not let work pile up on my desk again this week because I'd rather stare at the wall in my office all day than get any work done. I mean, wouldn't that be silly? Create more work for myself later instead of just getting it done now? That would be totally unlike me.

Oh, and I most certainly did not forget to mail my cousin's birthday card. I'm always very prompt about that kind of thing. Although if I did forget, she probably wouldn't care. She's 31 today, and we all know memory is the first thing to go!

I did not purposely stop taking my anti-depressant for the last two weeks to see if I needed them anymore. And, I did not immediately start taking them again after bursting into tears on Saturday for no good reason.

Hmm...I can't seem to think of anything else. Probably because I'm so excited to get back to work! I'll add some more later if I think of anything. Over and out.

Okay, and I definitely didn't waste the entire morning at work waiting for 12:00 to come so I could leave work to hang out with Jodi and Olivia.


heidi said...

Great list - except the stopping of the AD's. Bah. :-( I stopped and started again too, recently.

Jodi said...

And I most definitely did not have only those brownies for dinner.

Jodi said...

Oh and I LOVE cinnamon bears, but haven't been able to find them anywhere. Hmmm .. . .that could be my dinner tomorrow night.

Jodi said...

Honestly, I had every intention of eating a Lean Cuisine, but that wasn't any turkey that I've ever heard of. And those were crappy cinn. apples.

Jodi said...

Ok, I'll quit commenting now.