Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Incident of the Dog and the Nail Clippers

This is poor Maddie after her visit to the vet. She went in because she somehow nearly ripped off one of her nails on her back foot. So, the vet cut that nail off and then clipped the rest of her nails...too short. Poor dog had to have that styptic powder put on several nails. Then later that night they started bleeding again after she'd been outside in the snow. Hence the socks. Doesn't she look so sad cute?!


Anonymous said...

Poor puppy!

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

Ohhhh, Poor Baby

Anonymous said...

Poor baby!! Thanks for the christmas card! All the puppies are doing well. Carter actually had his tail AMPUTATED!! We decided that the blood splatter on the walls was too much and I know he didn't like it always hurting. Now he has a little stumpy tail, still as cute as ever and our walls are blood free! Hopefully see you when Stac is in town.