Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My Friend: The Cold

Picture of a cold virus or a plasma ball. You decide.

So my wonderful parents, in the true spirit of thanks"giving" and togetherness, gave me their colds this lovely holiday weekend. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad. It must have been a particularly nasty little virus as I was avoiding contact, we were lysol-ing everything and washing our hands constantly. Damn if I still didn't get it. Such crappy timing too since I was planning on hanging out with Jodi and Olivia on Monday. Well, my Monday consisted of me getting up to go to work, realizing I wasn't going anywhere and going back to sleep...until 3:00. In the afternoon, people.

So, since Thursday evening I've had the usual bout of symptoms: "sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, and coughing; sometimes accompanied by 'pink eye', muscle aches, fatigue, malaise, headaches, muscle weakness and loss of appetite." Damn. Minus the "loss of appetite" thing. What I wouldn't do for a good stomach virus that made me lose about ten pounds.


Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Does not sound good! I hope you feel better soon.

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

I hope you're better by now. I hardly ever get colds. I FORBID them to live in my body.