Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog Revival...maybe

So it's been over a year since I updated this stupid thing. I'm not sure why I stopped. Well, yeah I guess I do know why: because I get obsessed about things for a very brief amount of time and then I completely lose interest.

Other examples:

  • One summer when I was a teenager (pre-job age) I watched Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves twice a day for two weeks. I still have the soundtrack pretty much memorized and can "watch" the movie just by listening to it.
  • I once took notes on the Lord of the Rings movies just so I could memorize trivia; you know, just in case.
  • When I was really young and I first learned how to do a cartwheel, I used to do them everywhere, including the aisles in the grocery store.
  • A while ago I was bound and determined to learn sign language; I memorized dozens of words and practiced every day; I can't remember any of them. Okay, maybe a few. Okay, maybe one.
  • A couple of years ago (more like 3...maybe 3.5) I was obsessed with exercise. I exercised twice a day, had abs of steel and ended up weighing about the same as I did in high school. Then one day I stopped. And gained 25 pounds. Gross.
  • Ex-boyfriend, 'nuf said.

I'm sure there are other examples, but...I've lost interest in the list. Anyway, so perhaps there will be more posts and perhaps there won't be. Just don't hold your breath. Unless you're a Twilight vampire, then you don't have to breathe (yeah, another one of those obsessions).


Jodi said...

Holy rusted metal, Batman! I checked my blog list and Bailey and Me surged to the top. . .updated 2 hours ago. What? So, I had to check it. Glad to see it's been revived. I've always liked your comedic explanations about life. I hope you keep 'em coming!

Anonymous said...

Maybe this weekend you will have a picture or two of something to put on here. LW