Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Signs My Diet/Exercise is Working:

1. My clothes are fitting better.
2. My love handles are smaller.
3. Increased self-esteem.
4. More energy.
5. I don't crave fast food.
6. Carrots now taste "sweet" whereas before, nothing was sweet unless it was a dessert.
7. I get full faster.
8. I eat less and I'm okay with that.
9. Starting to see more tone in my legs (I think).
10. I no longer constantly think about my next meal.
11. My skin is less dry.
12. I only drink one soda a day, most days. (Diet of course.)
13. Water tastes good.
14. I look forward to exercising more (although not all the time-I'm not that big of a freak yet).
15. I can walk faster and for longer.
16. Bailey is getting in better shape because I walk her a lot.
17. I have to go to the bathroom 500 times a day because of all the water I drink.
18. I eat when I'm hungry instead of when I'm bored.
19. I snack on fruit, vegetables or cheese when I'm hungry instead of sweets or chips.
20. I can't remember the last time I ate fast food.
21. I can turn down pizza (I'm a superhero).
22. Need less sleep. Haha! I wish!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

You're doing better than I am. Please, teach me your ways! I ate at Red Robin for lunch and how can you eat there without eating their fries?