Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Totally Random Facts
1. There are two credit cards for every person in the United States? (And every person owes two credit card companies their first born and half their paycheck every week.)
2. According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction? (Hmm...something to do with returning to work?)
3. The first known contraceptive was crocodile dung, used by Egyptians in 2000 B.C. (Yeah, I think abstinence would have been my method instead...)
4. "Stressed" spelled backwards is "desserts." (Yeah people! Turn your stress into dessert!)
5. Dentists have recommended that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. (For those of us whose bathrooms are not 6 feet long, we're shit out of luck--pun intended.)
6. You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV. (See Mom! I knew sleeping was good for me!)
7. The average person spends about 2 years on the telephone in a lifetime. (Unless you're me; then you spend 2 years of your life avoiding the telephone.)
8. The human heart creates enough pressure to squirt blood 30 feet. (Now that's just cool.)
9. Cats can hear ultrasound. (_____________________ -Did you hear that, Kitty?)
10. On average, there are 178 sesame seeds on each McDonald's BigMac bun. (I wonder if someone got paid to do such important research?)
11. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell. (Sadly some of my clients never progressed past the single cell phase of development.)
12. Kansas State law requires pedestrians crossing the highways at night to wear tail lights. (Now this is an important law. I hate it when those damn pedestrians forget to turn on their tail lights.)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Haley Palmer
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Growing Girl
I got to spend some time with my friend Jodi and her daughter Olivia this week. Olivia is growing, growing, growing. She's almost 13 1/2 pounds and 25 1/4 inches long. She's doing really well with communicating and is always smiling, laughing or "talking". She's quite the little observer too and likes to check out everything around her. She's doing just fine with her motor skills too although she doesn't like to use her arms too much and hasn't quite "grasped" the concept of reaching for toys. She'll figure it all out soon enough though I'm sure. They are back to patching her eyes four hours a day to strengthen the muscles to see if they can't correct her strabismus (cross eye). If that doesn't work, glasses will be the next thing and then possibly surgery. I just hope for the best possible vision for her.
All tuckered out after a doctor's appointment.
Bailey: The Huntress
Come on out little guy; I won't hurt you!
Ugh, you taste awful!
Sorry, it's against my nature to be friends. You can't escape the Brown Warrior!No, Bailey, you're right. Poor toad couldn't escape the Brown Warrior, but mom can intervene and save the little guy. I let her "play" with the poor guy for awhile, but saved him before he died of a heart attack. He's safe somewhere in the front yard now. Silly Bailey loves to play with toads, but never learns her lesson about trying to put them in her mouth. They must taste awful because as soon as she does, she instantly starts foaming at the mouth. Dumbass. At least she doesn't kill them. She's quite the hunter and has killed several rabbits, a bird (out of the air) and a squirrel. Although I think it's terribly sad when she kills an animal, she is quite proud of herself. What a mean dog.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Thirty Things You Ought To Know By The Time You're Thirty
1. To take your hat off while eating. (Although come to think of it, I never wear hats)
2. To bring a hostess gift. (Know and do are two different things though. Whoops)
3. Have a valid passport. (Although mine is expiring in 2009! Crap!)
4. How to make small talk. (I'm horrible at small talk)
5. Your credit score.
6. And your blood type.
7. How to do laundry.
8. And scramble eggs.
9. Your parents' birthdays.
10. How to drive a stick shift.
11. And order a bottle of wine. (Yeah um give me the one that tastes like kool-aid)
12. How to set up, and check, bank and credit card balances online.
13. How to wrap a gift. (Oh, but it's not going to be pretty)
14. Own a suitcase. (Not used nearly often enough)
15. Have a local florist, not 1-800 FLOWERS. (Only if you count Dillon's)
16. How to negotiate.
17. And compromise. (Yeah, it's called "My way or the highway"!)
18. How to jump a car/change a tire.
19. Have a retirement plan.
20. When to stop drinking. (Oh how I wish I'd learned this one a looong time ago)
21. How to file a complaint.
22. How to make a bed -- complete with hospital corners.
23. Own a pair of jeans you can wear out to dinner.
24. How to play a sport (excelling not required).
25. How much cologne is too much.
26. When you need a dinner reservation.
27. To tip the maid in a hotel.
28. To make exceptions for children, and seniors. (and sometimes stupid people if I'm feeling generous)
29. How to apologize.
30. How to give a good hug. (Still working on this one)
Saturday, June 7, 2008
KS K9 Res-Q Picnic
I think I'm the cuter one.
Bailey and her sister Chloe
I went to the annual KS K9 Res-Q picnic today. Bailey's litter mate Chloe was there! I adopted Bailey from KS K9 a little over three years ago when she was 12 weeks old. She had a sister that was available too, and I so wanted to adopt both of them, but just didn't think it was feasible. A couple adopted Chloe soon after I got Bailey. Then 2 weeks ago the couple decided they couldn't keep Chloe so they called KS K9 to give her back. So now Chloe is back with her and Bailey's foster parents and is up for adoption again. She is so sweet and looks almost exactly like Bailey. She's slightly bigger, has even bigger ears if you can imagine that and is much lighter in color. I really wish I could adopt her now, but since I'm living with my parents it would mean having three big dogs in the house. Luckily there is a really nice couple who have two lab mix dogs that are seriously thinking about taking her. I just can't imagine owning a dog for three years and suddenly giving her up. How could you do that? I loved Bailey the moment I saw her picture. You would take her away from me when you pried her from my cold, dead hands. There's nothing that could make me give her up. She's my family!
Anyway, the picnic was fun. Bailey's foster parents who rescued her from the Animal Shelter always enjoy seeing her. Bailey does well around other dogs, but does tend to think smaller dogs look like squirrels and wants to chase them, but she gets over that once she sniffs their butts and realizes they're dogs! I will forever be grateful to KS K9 for rescuing Bailey from the animal shelter and letting me be her forever home.
I'm a dork
Anyway, so we hightail it back to the house, excited at the prospect of watching Mother Nature do her worst. Mr. Boyfriend lets me out of the car before he pulls all the way up to the house so I won't get as wet (what a nice guy). So I grab the McDonald's bag and take off running to the porch, slip in the wet grass right by the side walk and WHAM, down I go. French fries and burgers go flying and I end up on the ground flat on my back laughing my ass off. Andrew (may not be his real name...) freaks out, thinks I've died because I'm not getting up and comes running to help me. I finally get up and yell at him, "Get the burgers! You can save the burgers!" He sees that I'm actually serious so he saves the still-wrapped burgers and we rush inside, leaving the french fries to Mother Nature.
Once inside, Andrew goes into care-taker mode and we inspect me for damages. One busted up elbow? Check. One scared boyfriend? Check. Aww...he was so cute! He was so worried that I was really hurt. He washed out the cut on my elbow, bandaged me up, got me some ibuprofen and an ice pack. Then we ate our burgers and watched the storm. An almost broken elbow? Not a bad sacrifice to find out how nice your boyfriend can be.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Hmm...I wasn't very photogenic today
One of my bestest ever friends came to visit this past week. It was sooo good to see her. I haven't seen Keri in probably five years, but when we got together it seemed like just yesterday. We've always been able to do that, which is nice. She is the smartest, funniest gal I know and it really did me some good to get to spend time with her. Thanks Keri for cheering me up when I needed it most!
Keri and I are Co-Queens of England in case you were wondering. Yup. We were coronated in, let's see, 1994. We went to Europe with our French class and decided we like England and wanted to be queens. So we adopted the accent and became Queens of England. I don't think Elizabeth II knows, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her.