Saturday, June 7, 2008

I'm a dork

Well I'm lucky I didn't break something. Thursday evening I was in Derby hanging out with my favorite boyfriend (I have several, haha). We both really love storms and a big one was coming straight for us. We suddenly realized we were starving and there was no food in the house! So we jumped in the car and drove to McDonald's thinking we could beat the storm. No such luck. Torential rain? Check. Hurricane-like winds? Check. Frightening lightening (didn't know I was a poet did you?)? Check. This all started right when we got to Mickey D's so we were able to still get our food, which was the important thing. No tornado was going to make me miss a meal!

Anyway, so we hightail it back to the house, excited at the prospect of watching Mother Nature do her worst. Mr. Boyfriend lets me out of the car before he pulls all the way up to the house so I won't get as wet (what a nice guy). So I grab the McDonald's bag and take off running to the porch, slip in the wet grass right by the side walk and WHAM, down I go. French fries and burgers go flying and I end up on the ground flat on my back laughing my ass off. Andrew (may not be his real name...) freaks out, thinks I've died because I'm not getting up and comes running to help me. I finally get up and yell at him, "Get the burgers! You can save the burgers!" He sees that I'm actually serious so he saves the still-wrapped burgers and we rush inside, leaving the french fries to Mother Nature.

Once inside, Andrew goes into care-taker mode and we inspect me for damages. One busted up elbow? Check. One scared boyfriend? Check. Aww...he was so cute! He was so worried that I was really hurt. He washed out the cut on my elbow, bandaged me up, got me some ibuprofen and an ice pack. Then we ate our burgers and watched the storm. An almost broken elbow? Not a bad sacrifice to find out how nice your boyfriend can be.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Oh, how wonderful is that. . He sounds awesome.