Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Double-u Tee EF?

I was almost late to work after lunch because I just HAD to get a picture of this car. Can anyone say "Hydraulics Gone Wild"? Or, "You know your wheels are too damn big when they don't fit in the wheel wells."

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dear Fast Food,

I'm so sorry to have to write this letter, but I feel it is long overdue. Don't get me wrong; I still love you, probably more than the day I first met you all those many years ago. But, our relationship has become toxic. We spend too much time together and it's not healthy. I need to branch out, try new things (you know, like a vegetable or two) and find the skinny girl inside of me again. And, I can't do that with you. Maybe someday you and I can be friends, once I've started exercising regularly again and lose a few pounds. Maybe then I can come visit you every once in awhile. But until that time, I must let you go. I'm crying greasy tears as I write this letter, but I know it's for the best. Until we meet again Fast Food, goodbye.

Love always,


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Time to trade it in!

My car turned over 1000 miles today. It's all grown up now! Maybe since it has stopped growing it'll stop guzzling gas. This 16.5 miles to the gallon crap is not cool. Camaro, you need to go on a diet!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Picture Perfect

Me: Hey, let's get a good picture of us for my Facebook page.

Andrew: That's a great idea! Let's do it!

Take One

Me: Dammit Andrew. Be serious.

Andrew: Okay, okay. Let's do it!

Take Two

Me: Sonofa. ANDREW! Dammit!

Andrew: Okay, OKAY! Sorry. Let's do it!

Take Three

Me: Oh my god. Andrew, I'm not even kidding this time.

Andrew: I'm totally done. I'll be serious this time. Pinky swear.

Take Four

Me: You're retarded. I'm giving you one more chance and then I'm punching you in the shirt.

Andrew: Ooooh. Not that! Anything but that! Don't punch me in the SHIRT! Let's do it!

Take Five

Andrew: Kerry! You ruined the picture! Why did you do that?!

Kerry: Sorry. It was just a facial twitch. Let's try one more time.

Take Six

Me: Hmm...that's a pretty good one. Shall I make that one my profile picture?

Andrew: Yeah, that does look pretty good. Let's do it!

Take Twenty-Five

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Beautiful Soul

This is definitely a classic example of "bad things happening to good people." Heather is one of those people who just exudes "happiness". She is very genuine and real. She's a wonderful mother (to two beautiful children) and really seems to realize how precious life is. It's no wonder. She's been fighting Stage 4 Melanoma cancer since 2008. Tonight her friends and family threw a fundraiser for her to help raise money for all the costs associated with fighting her cancer for the second time. She travels to Nashville and Houston regularly for doctors' appointments. Heather is currently on a drug trial in Nashville and is on the drug Ro5, which is an experimental cancer drug, not yet FDA approved. She's already been on Interferon and Bio-chemotherapy. They didn't work. Heather is such an awesome individual. She has faith in God and yet can still say things like, "Cancer fucking sucks." This makes me smile. The fact that she can still have faith despite her fight against cancer at the young age of 31 amazes me. She knows she has a long fight ahead of her. She knows the odds. But, she also knows the rewards WHEN she wins the fight: a loving husband, two beautiful children and tons of loving family and friends. I don't know Heather well, and as bad at making friends as I am I may not ever know her as well as I may want to, but I want her to beat this cancer so badly I can taste it. This girl deserves to win. And she will.

Stephanie Bergmann from KSN news giving a welcome speech

The t-shirt table. Only $15 if you want one:

The donation jar for the spaghetti dinner at less than an hour in

Live entertainment: "Jam something-or-other". Sorry boys, I can't remember your name

Ella, Heather's daughter, with her daddy Cody. Beautiful curls!

Blurry picture of Heather (and her enviously white, straight teeth)

Pretty good turnout (Yay!)

Shot of the kids' carnival games. Yeah, I set those up. Wonderful placement right?!?!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things (Take 1)

I was going through some boxes the other day and came across some things from my childhood. Man, I loved playing with my toys. And boy did I have a lot of them.

Huckleberry Pie and Strawberry Shortcake
I have a shoebox full of these dolls and accessories.

The Emily and Adam Books
Very likely my first "box set" of books.

My toe shoes
I used to love how graceful I felt dancing in these.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sometimes I wonder

Sometimes I wonder why dogs lick their humans. Is it just because our skin is salty or are they showing affection?

Sometimes I wonder where the Leonardo da Vincis and Michelangelos are in our time. Is no one that talented anymore?

Sometimes I wonder if one day we'll think flying cars and teleportation are "no big deal." If so, I'm totally teleporting to Europe all the damn time, even if I'm 80 years old.

Sometimes I wonder why teenagers are so quick to grow up. It's not that fun really.

Sometimes I wonder why words like goddamn and shit are censored on TV, but violence is not. I'd rather a child hear profanity than watch someone get beat up or shot.

Sometimes I wonder why some species of animals have a huge range of variation and other species do not. I mean, there are hundreds of breeds of dogs, but a hippo is a hippo, ya know?

Sometimes I wonder if J.K. Rowling will ever write another Harry Potter book. Please J.K.? I miss Harry and the gang.

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to live in a country where in 2010 you might not know that people have been on the moon. Would I want to know that other places in the world are so much more advanced than where I lived?

Sometimes I wonder how much damage one species can do to a planet. Granted, there are damn near 7 billion of us, but you'd think we'd be a bit more careful with the place considering it's the only home we've got.

Sometimes I wonder if anybody still believes that money doesn't buy happiness. Puh-lease.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm pretty good at a lot of things, but not really great at anything. How mediocre is that? Damn.

Sometimes I wonder how people can think that the earth is only 6,000 years old. Hollywood made a movie called 10,000 B.C. and it showed people. on the earth. Duh!

Sometimes I wonder when I'm ever going to stop writing this post. Oh. I just did.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Seeing Red

This is an artist's rendition of how I looked this morning. Pretty much the only thing missing is the steam coming out of the ears. Oh and maybe the red eyes.

"Why were you so angry this morning, Kerry?"

Well, I'm so glad you asked. Let me tell you. I was driving to work this morning (from Andrew's house) on K15 in Derby (the worst road in Wichita for morning traffic in my opinion). Andrew was in his car behind me. I was in the left lane when an idiot woman in a maroon Acura TL, license plate DUM 123, decided she wanted to get in the left lane (you know, for that left-hand turn she needed to make in 3 miles). She started moving into my lane, saw me at the last second and corrected back into her lane. But the lady, brilliant as she so obviously is, must have thought my car miraculously vanished because she immediately started changing lanes again despite SEEING my car there 1 second earlier. I had to slam on my brakes (speed limit is 55 on K15 by the way) and swerve out of the way so she didn't sideswipe me into the concrete median. In turn, Andrew had to slam on HIS brakes to avoid rear-ending me.

Now, I'm a pretty laid back person. I don't get angry very easily, and when I do get angry, I don't stay angry very long. And road rage? Not in my vocabulary. Granted, I think 99% of the drivers on the road are morons who shouldn't be allowed to have a license, but when they do something stupid I usually just shake my head and go on with my day. Not so much this time. Maybe it's because I didn't take my Lexapro the night before. Maybe it's because a thunderstorm woke me up at 4:30 and I didn't go back to sleep until after 6:00. Maybe it's because 6 of the 8 planets in the solar system are soon to be in alignment with the Sun. OR!, maybe it's because I just couldn't ignore blatant stupidity this time. I got so angry I laid on my horn behind that ignoramus for about 2 miles. I just couldn't believe what she did. Andrew (whose middle name is "Road Rage") zoomed past me, pulled up beside her and began yelling expletives at her out his window. hero sticking up for me. I swear, if I wouldn't have been late to work, I would have followed her when she turned left just to terrify her further.

I would have been slightly more angry had I wrecked my brand-new Camaro.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Not quite as lazy

I've had lazier weekends. Much, much lazier. Weekends when I don't put makeup on at all. When I don't get out of my pajamas. Weekends when the only exercise I get is walking to the bathroom or walking to the car to go through a drive-thru for ice cream. So, a weekend when I actually do anything at all is a success, or closer to one than I've been for awhile. Andrew and I went and saw a movie: Robin Hood. I've wanted to see it since I saw the preview for it. I really like Russell Crowe, love the legend of Robin Hood and loved the movie Gladiator whose director Ridley Scott also directed Robin Hood. I figured we couldn't be disappointed. I was right! It was a really good movie. One that I'm sure we'll buy and watch over and over like Gladiator, Braveheart and all those other awesome epic movies.

new Robin Hood

old Robin Hood

Now I have two Robin Hood movies to watch over and over again! Maybe not twice a day like in the good ole days though.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Bucket List

Okay. I've had it! I'm tired of being a lazy, antisocial, depressed zombie. Seriously. I'm annoying. I'm irritating. I'm exasperating. What happened to the girl who had friends, enjoyed carrying on a conversation and actually engaged in life? Well, I'm going to go looking for her. I may not find her, but maybe I'll find a piece of her, or maybe a different version of her. Who knows maybe I'll find a better version.

Here's some things I want to do over the next few months to help with the search:

1. Take horseback riding lessons--sounds very random I know, but it's something I've always wanted to do.
2. Exercise 3-4 times a week--I've been saying this for about two years now; I know I love food too much to diet very well, so I need to exercise regularly so I can eat what I want. I'd like to train to run a half-marathon or something-I really admire the dedication runners have-but that may be a bit too ambitious.
3. Do something "social" at least twice a month--I'll probably struggle with this one the most. I have one for June already scheduled--a fundraiser for Heather at her church to help raise money for her cancer treatments, hotel stays, etc.
4. Take Spanish classes--I have a friggin' minor in Spanish and can't speak a word of it anymore (well, other than very basic stuff like "Donde esta el bano?" The summer session of Spanish at the Department of Parks and Recreation starts next week so I might have to put that off until Fall, but I definitely want to do it.
5. Sleep less! Any day I don't work I sleep until 11:00. 11:00! This one is going to be tough too since I swear my body just needs more sleep than the average 32 year old. I'm not sure how sleeping less will help me "find myself" again, but it can't hurt.

Well, that's what I've got so far. My progress? I ran on the treadmill for 8 minutes (and walked for 3) today. Haha! Baby steps. Baby steps.