Thursday, June 3, 2010

Summer Bucket List

Okay. I've had it! I'm tired of being a lazy, antisocial, depressed zombie. Seriously. I'm annoying. I'm irritating. I'm exasperating. What happened to the girl who had friends, enjoyed carrying on a conversation and actually engaged in life? Well, I'm going to go looking for her. I may not find her, but maybe I'll find a piece of her, or maybe a different version of her. Who knows maybe I'll find a better version.

Here's some things I want to do over the next few months to help with the search:

1. Take horseback riding lessons--sounds very random I know, but it's something I've always wanted to do.
2. Exercise 3-4 times a week--I've been saying this for about two years now; I know I love food too much to diet very well, so I need to exercise regularly so I can eat what I want. I'd like to train to run a half-marathon or something-I really admire the dedication runners have-but that may be a bit too ambitious.
3. Do something "social" at least twice a month--I'll probably struggle with this one the most. I have one for June already scheduled--a fundraiser for Heather at her church to help raise money for her cancer treatments, hotel stays, etc.
4. Take Spanish classes--I have a friggin' minor in Spanish and can't speak a word of it anymore (well, other than very basic stuff like "Donde esta el bano?" The summer session of Spanish at the Department of Parks and Recreation starts next week so I might have to put that off until Fall, but I definitely want to do it.
5. Sleep less! Any day I don't work I sleep until 11:00. 11:00! This one is going to be tough too since I swear my body just needs more sleep than the average 32 year old. I'm not sure how sleeping less will help me "find myself" again, but it can't hurt.

Well, that's what I've got so far. My progress? I ran on the treadmill for 8 minutes (and walked for 3) today. Haha! Baby steps. Baby steps.


Jodi said...

I'm with ya. . .I'm just not the person I used to be. Remember the old Kerry and Jodi swinging on the swingset bar, making up dance routines, having lots of friends. Now, I sleep whenever I have any free time and hardly laugh anymore. Hopefully, one of your social things. . we can do together. Sadly, I can't go to Heather's fundraiser because I have a wedding to go to out of town. I wish I could go. Let's plan to do more things together. You were always one of my bestest friends.

Kim said...

Katie took lessons at C-Arrow Stables. They get pretty expensive if you want private lessons, but group or semi private aren't too bad. You can also go on trail rides for $20 an hour.

Kerry said...

Kim: I saw C-Arrow's website. It's one of three that I checked out online. I think semi private will be what I'll try first. I haven't ridden a horse since Girl Scout camp when I was 14 so the less people around to see me make an idiot of myself the better!

Jodi: You were the first person I thought of when I decided I wanted to do more "social" things. Hey! I just thought of my 2nd thing for June! Eclipse! Well, maybe that will be July.

Josh said...


Linda said...

do it with your FREE Y membership. I will go with you on a weekend if you just come up from the basement.