Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Seeing Red

This is an artist's rendition of how I looked this morning. Pretty much the only thing missing is the steam coming out of the ears. Oh and maybe the red eyes.

"Why were you so angry this morning, Kerry?"

Well, I'm so glad you asked. Let me tell you. I was driving to work this morning (from Andrew's house) on K15 in Derby (the worst road in Wichita for morning traffic in my opinion). Andrew was in his car behind me. I was in the left lane when an idiot woman in a maroon Acura TL, license plate DUM 123, decided she wanted to get in the left lane (you know, for that left-hand turn she needed to make in 3 miles). She started moving into my lane, saw me at the last second and corrected back into her lane. But the lady, brilliant as she so obviously is, must have thought my car miraculously vanished because she immediately started changing lanes again despite SEEING my car there 1 second earlier. I had to slam on my brakes (speed limit is 55 on K15 by the way) and swerve out of the way so she didn't sideswipe me into the concrete median. In turn, Andrew had to slam on HIS brakes to avoid rear-ending me.

Now, I'm a pretty laid back person. I don't get angry very easily, and when I do get angry, I don't stay angry very long. And road rage? Not in my vocabulary. Granted, I think 99% of the drivers on the road are morons who shouldn't be allowed to have a license, but when they do something stupid I usually just shake my head and go on with my day. Not so much this time. Maybe it's because I didn't take my Lexapro the night before. Maybe it's because a thunderstorm woke me up at 4:30 and I didn't go back to sleep until after 6:00. Maybe it's because 6 of the 8 planets in the solar system are soon to be in alignment with the Sun. OR!, maybe it's because I just couldn't ignore blatant stupidity this time. I got so angry I laid on my horn behind that ignoramus for about 2 miles. I just couldn't believe what she did. Andrew (whose middle name is "Road Rage") zoomed past me, pulled up beside her and began yelling expletives at her out his window. hero sticking up for me. I swear, if I wouldn't have been late to work, I would have followed her when she turned left just to terrify her further.

I would have been slightly more angry had I wrecked my brand-new Camaro.

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