Saturday, June 19, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things (Take 1)

I was going through some boxes the other day and came across some things from my childhood. Man, I loved playing with my toys. And boy did I have a lot of them.

Huckleberry Pie and Strawberry Shortcake
I have a shoebox full of these dolls and accessories.

The Emily and Adam Books
Very likely my first "box set" of books.

My toe shoes
I used to love how graceful I felt dancing in these.


Linda said...

Oh, I remember those now. Joan Walsh Anglund had distinctive illustrations.

Linda said...

those Strawberry Shortcake dolls are still cute too.

Kim said...

I still have all my Strawberry Shortcake dolls too. Katie loves to get them out and play with them. I actually had two Strawberry Shortcakes because Ryan flushed the first doll's head in the toilet!