Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Brag on Yourself

Today's Daily Challenge is to write down three things you've done successfully recently and give yourself a pat on the back for the accomplishments. It can be a goal you've reached or a contribution you made. I'm not very good at thinking highly of myself, but here are my three recent accomplishments:

1. I've lost over 20 pounds since June 2010. Until June I really thought I was going to stay chunky and lazy for the rest of my life. Then something kicked me in the butt and I decided I would NOT let me do that to myself. I joined SparkPeople.com, starting eating right and began daily cardio exercise by simply walking. I walked everywhere in Derby or Park City for several weeks. Then, I started adding workout DVDs into the mix, like TurboJam and Biggest Loser. I recently started majorly slacking and gained back a few pounds (I think), but I'm kicking it into gear again. I want to stay active and I want to keep feeling good in my own skin. It had been awhile since I've done that.

2. This one isn't an accomplishment as much as a contribution: I adopted a hamster from the Kansas Humane Society in October and then talked Andrew into adopting a kitten from there in November. Jasper, the hamster, has his forever home in a large aquarium cage in the computer room. He exercises daily on his wheel, has a nice cozy nest in his purple house and is fed endless supplies of hamster food, seeds, milkbones (yes, hamsters like milkbones) and fresh fruits and veggies. Niko, Andrew's kitten (and mine!), is now a 13-week-old black cat who loves to play with his toys, take naps on his kitty condo in front of the window and snuggle up to his humans at all hours of the night. The next big step will be to get him and Bailey together...cross your fingers for that one.aZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz (that was from Niko)

3. I'm reading. This sounds ridiculous, I know. But, how much I'm reading is a good indicator of how well my depression/anxiety is being controlled. When I'm suffering from depression I don't read. I love reading so it's a pretty good motivator for me to keep my depression in check. I've already read two books this month: a quick read from Dean Koontz and a Sci-Fi novel that was really good. I think I'm going to go to Barnes & Noble tomorrow at lunch to get the sequel. I read all kinds of genres: Sci-Fi, historical fiction, thrillers, mysteries, etc. I've read all the Harry Potters at least twice, the Twilight series twice, Ken Follet's historical novels, the Clan of the Cave Bear series (twice), most of Jodi Picoult's, Ursula Hegi's and Alice Hoffman's books and a bazillion other books. Without reading I don't think I'd be me.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

I really really struggled with this one. Isn't that sad? That I feel like I have no accomplishments? Sometimes making it through each day is accomplishment enough. Sure, I came up with three things, but they were kind of a stretch. So, I've added "accomplish three things I'm proud of" to my list. Of course, I'm proud of Olivia but I can't really take credit for her accomplishments. They are her own doing of which I am super proud.