Saturday, December 25, 2010

My Favorite Christmas Movies

To get into the holiday spirit (since I really haven't felt it much this year) I thought I'd make a list of my top six Christmas movies. Yes, top six. Not five, not seven. Six.

Number 6: Scrooged

This is the parody of "A Christmas Carol" starring Bill Murray. It makes my list because Bill Murray is a hoot, and I like the scary "Ghost of Christmas-Yet-To-Come." Oh and the dead guy.

Number 5: Home Alone

This movie would likely annoy me now if I watched it, but when it came out in 1990 it was a really clever and funny movie. Plus, I really love the version of "O Holy Night" that is sung by the choir in the scene with the church and whatnot.

Number 4: Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas

How can you not like this one? I especially like it because I'm a bit of a Grinch myself sometimes, plus the dog is so adorable. Remember the part when the sled gets going too fast and Max ends up riding on the back of it and waves at the Grinch? Love it!

Number 3: Die Hard

What you didn't know this is a Christmas movie? Uh, it totally is! The bad guys interrupt a company Christmas party remember? This movie makes the list because it totally kicks ass! Yippee-ki-yay mother f@cker.

Number 2: A Christmas Carol /Scrooge

This story has been made and re-made at least a billion times (seriously a billion, look it up). I have two versions that I like the most: "A Christmas Carol" with George C. Scott made in 1984 and "Scrooge" with Alastair Sim made in 1951. I watched these versions almost every year growing up.

Number 1: Love Actually

I pretty much love this movie actually. I love the soundtrack, I love the humor and I love the stories. This is a really awesome movie with a pretty cool message if you pay attention. My favorite story lines are Colin Firth's and Hugh Grant's. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Merry Christmas 2010! Perhaps next year I will not be such a humbug and get my shopping done sooner than the day before Christmas Eve. Maybe I'll put up a Christmas tree, send out Christmas cards and actually get into the spirit. Or not.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Wow, Love Actually is my favorite too. Die Hard not so much.