Friday, December 17, 2010

Cousin Time

My cousin Wendy was in town for Thanksgiving and so was my brother. We went out with Wendy's cousin Adrienne (who might as well be Josh's and my cousin also) for a few drinks...which ended up being more than a few. It was pretty fun.

Adrienne and Wendy at the dinky bar we ended up at.

Wendy drinking one of many

Wendy, me and Josh at da bar.

So colorful!

Okay seriously. Both of them texting. I swear I never even looked at my phone the entire night and these two were texting fools (especially Wendy).

I'm so thankful that my cousins, brother and I have such close relationships. No matter how long it's been since we've seen each other we can always have a great time together.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm glad you are close even though you live apart. You can all take care of each other; Well, don't expect anything out of one of them. :)