Monday, May 19, 2008


I wonder if it's possible to develop ADD at age 30. If it's possible, then I may be proof. Lately, I have been feeling very attention-deficit. At work and at home. I know depression can affect your ability to concentrate, but man, this is ridiculous. At home, I have to have 5 or 6 things going at once because I flit from task to task, usually ending up not accomplishing anything other than a few hours on the Internet and dirtying up some dishes (that I invariably leave lying around the house irritating my parents who are starting to wonder when their 30-year-old daughter became 12 again). (No empty nest syndrome for them!)

I've come to accept that I will probably need anti-depressants for the rest of my life (along with steroids for asthma and thyroid hormones for hypothyroidism) due to a pretty long history of depression and anxiety on both sides of the family. I just wish I could find one that works magic. This most recent bout of depression has really got me down. Sometimes it's hard not to show it to the outside world, but I manage. I just wonder how much longer I can.

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