Wednesday, May 14, 2008

At First Sight?

Pessimist that I am, I've always discounted the possibility of "love at first sight." But what if it really is possible? Maybe not love exactly, but the knowledge that this person I just met is going to be a very important person in my life. Is it possible? I believe it just might be. I'm a romantic at heart I suppose, but never thought something like that would ever happen to me. Well, I think it did. Not recently, but more like a year and a half ago. Monday, November 6, 2006, if you want to know the date. I met a person who has become my best friend. A person who I can't imagine living a life without. A person who makes me laugh, who completes my sentences, who is passionate and caring although he tries to pretend he's not. A person who can make me the angriest I've ever been, but maybe also the happiest. There have been obstacles to overcome and there will be more in the future, but this person may end up being the one who fulfills all of my dreams for a happy and complete life. Only time will tell, and he may break my heart (again), but regardless of what happens, I will never regret meeting him and becoming his friend. Only time will tell, but I'm jumping in, willing to lose it all, to test this "at first sight" thing. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Little Miss Sunshine State said...

I was hoping to get to comment before today.
I married my best friend.We knew each other for 2 years, and he dated my best friend before we ever went out on a date, then it was another 5 years before we got married.

I didn't marry him because I couldn't live without him. I didn't WANT to spend the rest of my life living without him. We will be married 29 years in Sept.

My daughter is 8 months into a relationship with someone who was just "one of the guys" in her group of friends, and then they fell in love.
She says falling in love with your friend is so much better than trying to become friends with someone you meet and start dating right away.

I hope this is someone that will make you feel happy. and loved