Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Three More Days!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bailey Actin' a Fool
This is a typical reaction when I ask Bailey if she wants to go for a walk. This evening she decided it was time to go for a walk and started crying before I even asked her. Bring out the tennis shoes and she really gets going. Maddie, my parents' dog, gets in on the action too, but her excitement consists of barking incessantly as you can hear on the video. Sometimes the shovel is needed to shut her up.
Make a Difference Monday
Friday, July 25, 2008
Friday Fun
Just working on my biceps-she's almost 15 lbs!
Olivia spent time jumping while us girls played a game
All that jumping made her tired! Look at those gorgeous eyes.
I spent the afternoon with my favorite girls. We had a good time going to lunch, talking and playing Whoonu. Olivia was a good girl as always. She cracked us up all afternoon. She loves the words Zooboomafoo and Pickleweasel and smiles at them every time.
It was good for me to hang out with friends as I've become increasingly reclusive. Andrew doesn't count since he's more antisocial than I am. I know some of my friends don't understand why I don't keep in touch very well. Of course, how can I blame them when I don't understand it myself?
I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm finally getting my hair done--I'm thinking about getting it cut pretty short! Eh, who am I kidding? I'll chicken out. After I get my hair done Andrew and I are going out to dinner (can't waste a "good hair day"). Then on Sunday we might go see Batman and see if it's as good as everyone says it is.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Hot Dog
I'm not sure how that tongue stays in her mouth when she's not panting. She's always weighed 64 pounds, but the last time we went to the vet she had gained 4 pounds, so we've been walking more. I get a workout struggling to stop her from dragging me down the street on my belly. She gets a workout from attempting to drag me down the street on my belly. It's a win-win situation really.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Olivia's Baptism
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Bath Time
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday Madness
8 Things I am passionate about:
1. my family
2. Andrew
3. my doggins--Bailey Anna--she's my fave
4. Olivia, the Super-est baby on the planet
5. doing the best I can at whatever I do (AKA being a perfectionist, which can actually be rather annoying)
6. the March of Dimes
7. reading
8. traveling (if I had the money and vacation time this passion would be crazy evident)
8 Things I say a lot:
1. Why thank you. I am the smartest person I know!
2. Don't make me get the shovel (for when my parents' dog barks incessantly--hey don't blame me, blame my brother--he's the one who started it with the shovel business).
3. When's the last time you smoked marijuana? (Totally work-related I swear!)
4. I didn't do it.
5. You're a dork. (Well, he is!)
6. Would you like fries with that?
7. Hi, my name is Kerry, and I'm an alcoholic.
8. What the...?
8 Things I would like to do before I die (AKA the Bucket List):
1. go to Europe at least 25-30 more times (is that too much to ask?)
2. win the lottery
3. drive a car really, really fast
4. skydive
5. read all the books on my "100 Books to Read" list
6. kick my depression/anxiety to the curb
7. learn to be more touchy-feely, ooey-gooey
8. be a better friend
8 Books I have read: (this could be a neverending list so I'm just picking 8 of the most recent)
1. The Road--Cormac McCarthy
2. The Handmaid's Tale--Margaret Atwood
3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time--Mark Haddon
4. The Alchemist--Paulo Coelho
5. I am Legend--Richard Matheson
6. Ender's Game--Orson Scott Card
7. The Ruins--Scott Smith
8. Nineteen Minutes--Jodi Picoult
8 Movies I have seen 8 times:
1. Dirty Dancing
2. The Princess Bride
3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
4. Gladiator
5. Braveheart
6. Star Wars (any of 'em)
7. Lord of the Rings (any of 'em)
8. Labyrinth
8 People I tag:
1. Jodi
2. Heather
3. Kim
4. Little Miss Sunshine State
5. Laura
6. Um...
7. Uh...
8. Yeah...
More Clues
Clue #3: Those who've done it range in age from 18 to 96.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tennis Anyone?
On a completely different subject: I think I may have an ulcer. Not sure since I've never had one, but Boyfriend and his mom, who is a nurse, think the symptoms sound like one. I get nauseous after I eat (but not every time), and I get this burning in my stomach. I've gotten nauseous to the point of vomiting several times now. It's quite miserable actually, although come to think of it, it wouldn't hurt for me not to eat for a little while...the nausea, vomiting and burning are a pretty good deterrent for avoiding food. If it is an ulcer maybe I'll keep it around for a little while. Just until I lose about 10 pounds. Who really needs a stomach lining anyway?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
A Special Request
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Me Fit?
But really what I was waiting for was to find a Wii fit. And yesterday (after calling almost every day--okay so it was Andrew doing the calling) I found one!! I haven't set it up yet so I'm excited to go home tonight and try it out. I'm telling ya, this is what I needed to get me to start exercising again. Unless I find a way to do Yoga from the couch (don't underestimate my laziness).
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Are Banana Peppers a Vegetable?
No, I don't know why he's holding his mouth that way. He's got wonderfully straight, white teeth so I don't know why he doesn't smile. We're excited for the holiday weekend. We both took off work on Monday so we have a four day weekend. There will be lots of sleeping in, movie-watching, video-game playing and all-around laziness let me tell you. Oh and lots of eating...