Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday Madness

I've been tagged! I feel so special. I might tear up. Two Blessings From Above tagged me last week to tell "8 Things" about myself. Here goes:

8 Things I am passionate about:

1. my family
2. Andrew
3. my doggins--Bailey Anna--she's my fave
4. Olivia, the Super-est baby on the planet
5. doing the best I can at whatever I do (AKA being a perfectionist, which can actually be rather annoying)
6. the March of Dimes
7. reading
8. traveling (if I had the money and vacation time this passion would be crazy evident)

8 Things I say a lot:

1. Why thank you. I am the smartest person I know!
2. Don't make me get the shovel (for when my parents' dog barks incessantly--hey don't blame me, blame my brother--he's the one who started it with the shovel business).
3. When's the last time you smoked marijuana? (Totally work-related I swear!)
4. I didn't do it.
5. You're a dork. (Well, he is!)
6. Would you like fries with that?
7. Hi, my name is Kerry, and I'm an alcoholic.
8. What the...?

8 Things I would like to do before I die (AKA the Bucket List):

1. go to Europe at least 25-30 more times (is that too much to ask?)
2. win the lottery
3. drive a car really, really fast
4. skydive
5. read all the books on my "100 Books to Read" list
6. kick my depression/anxiety to the curb
7. learn to be more touchy-feely, ooey-gooey
8. be a better friend

8 Books I have read: (this could be a neverending list so I'm just picking 8 of the most recent)

1. The Road--Cormac McCarthy
2. The Handmaid's Tale--Margaret Atwood
3. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time--Mark Haddon
4. The Alchemist--Paulo Coelho
5. I am Legend--Richard Matheson
6. Ender's Game--Orson Scott Card
7. The Ruins--Scott Smith
8. Nineteen Minutes--Jodi Picoult

8 Movies I have seen 8 times:

1. Dirty Dancing
2. The Princess Bride
3. Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves
4. Gladiator
5. Braveheart
6. Star Wars (any of 'em)
7. Lord of the Rings (any of 'em)
8. Labyrinth

8 People I tag:

1. Jodi
2. Heather
3. Kim
4. Little Miss Sunshine State
5. Laura
6. Um...
7. Uh...
8. Yeah...

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