Monday, March 17, 2008

Is Everyone Wearing Green Today?

Just wondering if everyone remembered to wear green today. I actually remembered for once. Of course every year that I forget to wear green, I just use the old "I have green eyes" bit. Doesn't count technically I suppose, but I haven't been pinched for not wearing green since I was in at least jr. high so I guess it works. On a completely random note, today is an ex-"boyfriend"'s birthday. A guy I briefly dated between bouts with Spawn (I call my xxbf, the ex from another life ago, Spawn of Satan or 'Spawn' for short) was born on March 17th. Don't know why I still remember that.

Anyway, Happy St. Patty's Day! Hmm...I think I'll look up the origins of this day since I really don't know why it's celebrated other than to give people an excuse to have a parade and drink green beer.

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