Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Limerick

I am one of the thousands of people throughout the world who follow Nate Lawrenson's blog about his family: his beautiful wife Tricia who is awaiting a double lung transplant at the very hospital where their daughter Gwyneth remains after being born 15.5 weeks early. Tricia has cystic fibrosis and risked her life to bring baby Gwyneth into the world. Now both Tricia and Gwyneth are in Duke University Hospital, and Nate is there every day blogging about their experiences. They are an awesome family. Nate's link is posted on the right under blogs I read. Check it out; it's great!

Anyway, Nate posted a limerick in honor of St. Patrick's Day and challenged his readers to submit their own CFHusband-themed limerick. I didn't enter the contest, but thought I'd write one for Olivia instead. Here it is:

As Olivia grows older and stronger
Her arms and legs grow longer.
A beautiful woman she’ll be
We can all hardly wait to see
There are so many people who love her.

My first ever limerick I believe, although it may not follow the rules to a T. My dictionary defines a limerick as, "a light humorous, nonsensical or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually with the rhyme scheme aabba." Wikipedia adds, "A limerick has five lines, with three metrical feet in the first, second, and fifth lines and two metrical feet in the third and fourth lines. A variety of types of metrical foot can be used, but the most typical are the amphibrach (a stressed syllable between two unstressed syllables) and the anapaest (two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable).

Okay, back to work!!