Thursday, March 6, 2008

Pet Peeve #1

I didn't know what I wanted to prattle on about in today's post, but got an idea as I was driving home from work. I was driving on the highway behind a navy Suburban, license plate RGE 673 (okay, I'm joking about the tag number) when the driver put their hand out the window and threw out a piece of trash. This, to me, is deplorable. I hate, hate, HATE litter bugs! I mean what was the POINT of that? Who do they think is going to pick that up for them? Is their mother going to go along everywhere they throw out their trash and pick up after them? And what is so difficult about keeping the trash in your car and THROWING IT AWAY IN A TRASH CAN? To irritate me even further, she got off the same exit I did, pulled into the same gas station I did and filled her car with gas and was less than two feet away from a perfectly good trashcan not more than two minutes after she threw out her trash.

And let me tell you, people who throw out cigarettes? Well, I won't say what I wish would happen to them. But, I say, if you think the cigarette butt is too smelly/nasty/dirty to remain in your ashtray, then why are you smoking in the first place?

So anyway. Littering is a big pet peeve of mine. It just indicates laziness, thoughtlessness and selfishness. And studies show that litterbugs are uglier, fatter and less intelligent than non-litterbugs. Okay so I made that up, but it might be true.


Jodi said...

Okay, now I'll tell you of my newest pet peeve. (Also, I'm posting and it's only 10:30 pm) I go to the store and try to pick out a shopping cart that doesn't give me germy vibes. I proceed to clean it off with a lysol wipe until it finally meets my approval. I'm getting along just fine with my clean cart and after my groceries are sacked, they proceed to put them in a DIFFERENT cart. Who knows where that one has been! I want to stay with my clean cart! I had to endure the weird looks one time already. . .I hate to clean off another cart. So, I bravely push the cart away and Purell my hands like crazy. No wonder diseases spread so easily.

Kerry said...

Well I can imagine! I don't have Olivia to worry about and that still annoys me! And you know the silliest thing? Dillon's has those wipes to clean your cart with, BUT they're located inside the door whereas the carts are outside the door. What? Not that it's that big of a deal to walk in and get one and then walk back out, but it just seems like it would make more sense to have the wipes available BEFORE you get to the carts.